Thursday, July 24, 2008

Office Busy Body

Have you ever worked with one of those people who thinks that he or she is everyone's supervisor? I currently work with one of those. She drives me insane, she keeps track on my phone calls, lunchtime, when I leave and probably how long it takes me to take a piss! She is by far the most difficult person I have ever worked with, and I must say that I hate her. I know that hate is a strong word, but she makes me hate coming to work everyday. That sucks. I cannot wait until December when I can get the heck out of here. How many days is that?


lucylucia said...

Brian! It's nice to have a post from you! Yeah, I used to work with someone like that at Citi. It really stinks, but at least you know that it won't last forever. It might feel like that, but it will pass!!