Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Who needs an exterminator, just give me tequila!

So we went to visit some of our friends in Waco, Texas last week. It was a good time, we had laughs and lots of drinks, too many. One night I had too much bud light and a couple tequila shots, this concoction transformed me from my normal super boring self into a fraternity brother meets fear factor contestant. After many drinks, a June bug landed on me...and...(do not read further if you are squeamish)... I ate the bug. I did not just swallow it whole, but decided to chew on it like a porter house steak. The thought of this now disgust me... but while intoxicated my IQ drops by about 50 points. This is why I do not drink often!

Big B (the exterminator)


FoxyLady said...

OMG I can't believe you did that. See why tequila is bad for EVERYBODY?? (Remember the bruises I left on you freshman year, haha!)