Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Praxis scores finally in!

I finally received my state teaching certification scores in and I passed. I also scored better than 90% of people who take this particular certification test. I hope this will help when I go to apply for jobs!

Thursday, December 04, 2008

7 Random Things

1. My mom spelled my name wrong on my Birth Certificate, luckily it was caught and corrected before turned in.
2. I can move my eyebrows independently of each other or together.
3. Green is my favorite color.
4. The number 4 is my favorite number.
5. I have seen the Breakfast Club about a million times and can randomly quote lines.
6. I really enjoy vaccuuming, it is my favorite chore.
7. I love going to the dentist!

It has been a while

It has been a while since I have posted, I have been very busy with school and work. I thought I would take a minute to post the latest pics of Landon.

Monday, September 08, 2008


Friday, August 29, 2008

My son, the pimp?

Our friends, Hannah and Steve, took this picture and called it Landon's "pimp pose". I think it is hilarious!

I think he looks more like an old school rapper.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Office Busy Body

Have you ever worked with one of those people who thinks that he or she is everyone's supervisor? I currently work with one of those. She drives me insane, she keeps track on my phone calls, lunchtime, when I leave and probably how long it takes me to take a piss! She is by far the most difficult person I have ever worked with, and I must say that I hate her. I know that hate is a strong word, but she makes me hate coming to work everyday. That sucks. I cannot wait until December when I can get the heck out of here. How many days is that?

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Calm Down

The other day I was in the car doing my normal screaming at my fellow drivers due to their lack of use of blinkers, failure to drive the speed limit, and overall lack of motor vehicle operation skills. When out of my back seat I hear my son (almost 3) yell at me to "calm down." And he had this look in his eye like he could potentially smack me in order to make me to comply. Kids!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Blog is the New Black.

Who knew? I had no idea that I knew so many people that were bloggers. I guess just because I recently decided to leave the dark ages, I expected my friends to still be there. Well, it seems that many of them have left also. I find it a good way to keep up with those that I may not see very often...helps me keep a pulse on what is going on with them. I have added some of them to my links section.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Who needs an exterminator, just give me tequila!

So we went to visit some of our friends in Waco, Texas last week. It was a good time, we had laughs and lots of drinks, too many. One night I had too much bud light and a couple tequila shots, this concoction transformed me from my normal super boring self into a fraternity brother meets fear factor contestant. After many drinks, a June bug landed on me...and...(do not read further if you are squeamish)... I ate the bug. I did not just swallow it whole, but decided to chew on it like a porter house steak. The thought of this now disgust me... but while intoxicated my IQ drops by about 50 points. This is why I do not drink often!

Big B (the exterminator)

Friday, May 16, 2008

This Session of School

After much blood, sweat and tears, this session of school has come to an end. I took three classes in eight weeks and nearly dropped dead of educational exhaustion! All is well that ends well though, I received an A in all three classes. So maybe letting that teacher feel my leg up really paid off! :)

Friday, April 04, 2008

Hot for Teacher????

So I have gone back to graduate school recently. I am nearly finished with about 9 months to go. I have had several very friendly professors throughout my undergrad and masters course work. However, a teacher I have this semester may be the friendliest. What leads me to believe this, you ask? Well, last night there was an incident in which I was discussing the coursework with the professor and she grabbed my leg (above my knee) and kept it there for several minutes (seemed like hours). I did not hear a word she said while she was feeling me up! All I heard was HAND ON KNEE, HAND ON KNEE, FREAKING TEACHER HAS HER HAND ON MY KNEE!!!! After several minutes she got up and moved on with the class. But the whole time I kept thinking how odd it was.
In all of my schooling I have never had a teacher/professor do anything like this. I mean, I am not ugly, but I am no Brad Pitt. Why would she do this? Is she hot for me? No, surely she is just being friendly (VERY FRIENDLY). Surely she saw my wedding ring... maybe she doesn't care... maybe she is drawn in by my raw animal magnetism...maybe I am reading too much into this...yeah let's go with that! I find it ironic that several male teachers/professors have been fired for things far less. Not that I would ever file a complaint, hell when you are 30, balding and a little overweight any attention is good, even if it is a little creepy. For now I guess I will "feel" out the rest of the semester.

This incident reminded me of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5t5GukrWOU

Big B

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A way with words

It is amazing how one minute you can have a two year old that sounds like he is little china man working on the docks of Hong Kong, (We were totally unable to understand more than a few words) and the next minute he sounds like an adult, having a full fledged English conversation. I find this fascinating! I guess it is my psychology and education background, but child development is amazing to watch. That is the whole reason we decided to have him, I needed a good grade in my child psychology class (kidding, sorta). He can now say his full name, my wife's and my full name, count to 12, knows all of the primary colors and sorta sings his alphabet. He is only 2 1/2. I know I am biased, but what a smart boy! Just thought I would brag for a minute.

Big B

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Warm Day in Winter

I thought that I would share some pics of a couple of Sundays ago. It was 70 degrees in late February. Everyone is really sick of winter and this little repreive proved to be good for the soul and my sanity. My 2 year old son Landon ran until he dropped. It was a good day!

Friday, March 07, 2008

Follow Up to Earlier Post- Brock Olivo (WARNING POLITICAL POST)

O.k. so it seems I am not the only one that thinks that this guy is a real idiot. I hope that he gives up and goes back to public speaking and SOCIAL STUDIES CLASS. Maybe he should try voting and and informing himself on the areas that effect his constituents before running for a public office. It is good to know that I am not the only intellectual snob. I just expect people who run for public office to have a higher IQ than my dog!

New Background

I thought I would try this background for a while. If it is too hard to read due to the print not being black, let me know in the comments. I was trying to make it not so boring. I like to bore my readers with my writing, not the background!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Stupid Person of the Week February 25-29 - Semi Retarded Retired Jock Thinking I Can be a Congressman Guy

OK so I did not have direct contact with this stupid person, but I have been reading a lot about him lately. His name is Brock Olivo and he is running for congress. He is not the sharpest tool in the shed, he is just a tool. I am not sure what the republican party was thinking when recruiting him to run. If I was a Republican I would really question the powers that be and their choices of candidate. This guy needs to stick to things that he knows like football statistics, jock itch, and sounding like a complete dummy when he speaks! Hey, he should hire Obama's speech writer maybe they can get one more use out those speeches, they have only been used what... three or four times?


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Stupid Person of the Week February 11-17 Twerpy Trainer Guy

Stupid Person of the Week February 11-17

This weeks "Stupid Person of the Week" is twerpy trainer guy!

My family has been sick the last week, so I had to call in and canceled a session with my personal trainer. (I have been trying to lose weight for the last 10 years and thought I would give this a try). I called well in advance and let him know that I was not feeling well and I would not be coming for my session. I thought that this was acceptable and courteous. However, after heading back to the gym after feeling better a day or two later this guy was a complete jerk. I saw him at the desk and said hello... he did not respond. When he was working with another client and would pass me he would shoot me death rayswith his eyes or just snicker. What the hell??? I am new to the gym scene and still not super comfortable being there and this guy wants to be a dick? I am almost done with my package of sessions and *IF* I sign up again I will be requesting a different trainer, I find this guy highly unprofessional (he once showed up to a training session majorly hungover and still a little drunk) and rude. I may be fat, but that does not give anyone the right to treat me like a lower life form. By the way this guy is not even super fit himself, he looks like a white Irkel, but less cool! Thanks for letting me vent.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Stupid Person of the Week Award

Stupid Person of the Week Award

This award will be given weekly to the person who pisses me off the most by just being completely idiotic, asinine, or completely undeserving of the title human being ( a complete waste of space).

This week's award goes to "unnecessarily outraged gym-going hobbit man."

As you know from a previous post it snowed in my home town and was quite cold. So when my wife and I went to the gym with our toddler, my wife was going to drop us off close to the door and then re-park somewhere in BFE. Well, my wife pulled into a spot that had a sign that stated it was reserved for "Gym Member of the Month" Thoughts of some Schwarzenegger, roid riddled, man with arms as big as tree trunks and balls the size of raisins (from the roids, come on everyone has seen those after school specials about Billy and how his nards shrank from his un-dieing need to look like one of the American Gladiators).

So as I get out the car with my son, this A--hole pulls up behind my wife, not letting her leave and then rolls down his window and starts yelling "I am member of the month that is my parking space!" He was completely outraged! So I turn to see who was screaming for us to move, and completely blocked us in. Is it a juiced up Sly Stallone wannabe? No, it is this puny little old man. So I decided that I could yell back at him and not have to worry about funeral arrangements. I yelled to him, "Hey buddy she was only dropping us off and if you backed your ass up, we might be able to move!"

With this display of behavior I would have accused him of having roid rage, but judging from his age and build the only drug he might be abusing is Geritol!

Please feel free to post your own stupid person of the week award in a comment! I am sure there are many stupid people out there roaming the streets.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Snow Way!

So the weather man has been predicting several inches of snow for the town that I live in. I find it interesting to watch the natives scatter around like ants who have had their hill stomped on, everytime there is a prediction of snow. It is like they have never seen snow before, or snow is some sort of magic powder that falls from the sky and will burn your flesh and everything that it touches. They talk about it for days, it is all you hear about throughout the town. "Did you hear we are going to be getting a big snow?" When in reality 3-4 inches are to be expected. Talk about making a (snow) mountain out of a mole hill. I am not from this town originally (relocated almost 6 years ago) I am from a bigger city where snow is not treated as if it is armegeddon. It falls and the plows take it away it is as simple as that, no big deal. I even have a co-worker who calls in if there is a prediction of snow. Get real! Snow way is it as bad as the natives declare it to be!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

To Blog or Not to Blog, That is the Question!

So a couple of my friends have started blogging recently and I really enjoy reading the many adventures of their lives. This brought me to my next thought, should I try blogging myself? I am not the world's best writer and thought that this may improve those skills, as well as help me find my own unique writing voice. My life is really not that exciting, I am just your average person trying to make it through daily life. I will do my best to make the posts exciting (No, I will not post pics of myself naked! Quit asking!!), insightful, and at the very least without speling erors!

Happy Reading,

Big B